Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cleaning Your Helmet the Right Way

Glossy Finish. Most helmets are painted with an automotive type paint. Therefore, you should use the same type of products in cleaning or polishing your helmet as you would on your car. Use rubbing compounds to remove scratches and scuffs, but be aware that over polishing with them can cause light abrasions which can dull the helmet's finish. If you remove stickers or decals, you'll notice that adhesive residue will be left behind. To remove it, use alcohol swabs. Wipe away excess liquid immediately and wash the area with soap and water once the adhesive is gone. Be careful not to apply too much pressure when rubbing residue out. You're better off using multiple, light treatments rather than one heavy handed treatment which could scratch or scuff the finish.

Non-Glossy Finish. For flat finish (non-glossy) helmets, you're good to go using just warm water and mild soap. Use multiple treatments for dirtier areas. Again, don't use excessive pressure or rubbing compounds while cleaning the surface. Doing so could cause a glossy area which won't look all that great on a flat finish.

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