Monday, October 5, 2009

Full Face Helmets - Why I Wear Them

Below you will see a diagram of a full face helmet showing what percentage of all impacts each area gets. The front of the helmet from the forehead down gets 63.6% of all hits. In other words, 2 out of 3 helmet strikes are to the front. Furthermore, 44.5% of impacts are on the face shield or chin bar.

These number happen to match my experience quite closely. In 37 years of motorcyle riding, I've had three get-offs. In one of them my forehead hit fist, once my chin bar hit first and in the third, the back of my head hit first. Even in the third instance I left the bike going forward (face first). By the time I landed, however, I was about 2/3's of the way through a front loop. I did a nice, two-point landing on the back of my head and upper-left shoulder blade. My head was fine but but my collar bone needed to be wired back together.

With two of my three helmet strikes being to the front, I seem to be a fairly average crasher. Which means if I crash again, I'll  have an almost 50/50 chance of landing on my face. And so, by the way, will you.

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